1. Download [URL="http://code.google.com/p/gitextensions/downloads/detail?name=GitExtensions24703SetupComplete.msi&can=2&q="][COLOR="#FF0000"]GitExtensions[/COLOR][/URL]
While installing do this
install all (kdiff too)
2. Download Visual Studio 2012 (or 2013) from Windows website
3. Download [URL="http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-"][COLOR="#FF0000"]Cmake[/COLOR][/URL]
4. Download [URL="http://slproweb.com/download/Win32OpenSSL-1_0_1e.exe"][COLOR="#FF0000"]OpenSSL[/COLOR][/URL]
5. If you have a "Missing Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables" error message while installing OpenSSL, download [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9B2DA534-3E03-4391-8A4D-074B9F2BC1BF"][COLOR="#FF0000"]this[/COLOR][/URL] too
6. While installing OpenSSL, choose The OpenSSL binaries (/bin) directory (NOT "The Windows system directory") when given the choice on where to copy the OpenSSL DLLs
7. Go on Skyfire Github website (you find link above) and on the right you will find a box with a link
Copy that link.
8. Now create a folder named "skyfire" where you want. Inside that create another folder named "git" and another "build". Right Click, select GitEx Clone. In the New window paste the link in the first box, click CLONE and wait 'til it is finished
9. Once it is finished, open CMAKE, in "where is the source" select the folder where you saved the Git Project (the one before to see src, cmake etc.. folders) and in "where to build the binaries" select the "build" folder. Then click Configure, select the version of your visual studio (visual studio 10 = visual studio 2010, visual studio 11 = vs 2012, visual studio 12 = vs 2013)
10. Now check the two box unchecked then click again configure and then generate!
11. Now go in the build folder, search for the .sln file, open that with visual studio
12. Now wait until all is loaded (check in the south bar of the program), then right click on ALL_BUILD, click on Clean.
13. When is finished roght click again on ALL_BUILD and COMPILE!!!
14. now wait, when it is finished go in the bin folder, there should be all files. Then follow the guide i made in the bottom of the page